Wednesday, July 15, 2009


In hindsight, it captured the public imagination because it was perceived as quasi-reality TV. Anyway, one family was portrayed as the devil while the other families were portrayed as angels complete with an arch-angel. So Chinese wayang! It could just as well be seen as 7 families bullying one but Singapore is one big Chinatown and the chopsticks must band together! Besides if a lie is told by enough people it sounds convincing!

Anyway, the "angels" and the "arch-angel" lost their wings in 2005/2006, when fed-up with police ineptitude, a salvo of magistrate's complaints were filed against them. During mediation they all took the position that the complaints had no merit and refused to settle.

One bit of good news was that one of these 7 families moved out in mid-2006 to be replaced by an educated professional and his family. To date we have a cordial relationship with our new neighbours. The stupid behaviour that characterised the previous occupants of the unit is indeed gone for good. In typical fashion instead of giving the real reason for their having to sell their 3-storey house, they had to say that they sold their house because they can't stand us. Fact: they moved from a 3 storey house with a built in area of 3400 sq ft into a flat at Rose Lane with a built in area less than half of the house!

Finally, in 2007, a very learned Judge issued almost all the charges proferred and the real devils were finally showing their true colours!

Trial tomorrow so have to stop now, will continue narrative tomorrow or day after.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Setting the record straight

First day blogging and feeling quite lost but must progress with the times. Decided to do this in order to set the record straight and I can't trust the press to do it.

The Everitt Rd saga started in Sept 2002 with my neighbours ganging up and marching to see the MP for Joo Chiat. Their motives however were suspect because they called a reporter from the Straits Times to accompany them. The story was of course published a few days later.

They really did not think the MP could do anything hence the presence of the press. I'm absolutely sure that they were not looking for a solution but were setting their dastardly plan in action - when crying wolf make sure that your dramatic howls have an audience and involve as many bit actors as possible so that it's convincing!

What followed was a hilarious farce! The Chinese tabloids capitalised on the story which captured the imagination of Chinese readers and viewers island-wide. It had all the elements of a poorly written blockbuster to cater to the pea-sized intellect of a public who could not read between the lines and actually believe in fairy tales!